Image by Idea Go

Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Angel

My Angel’s soft and silver wings
appear above my bed
where numberless tears flow.
I feel myself as dead.
“Arise, Dear One”, she speaks to me
“you are not lost – your life will be
better than its ever been”.
She touched my face,
my head begin to spin.
She showed me paths on which I’d walked
from carefree childhood days,
when love and freedom were my play.
Then to my youth and my mistakes,
and times like now
when I feel my heart will surely break.
she showed me how I always healed.
My heart is strong as is my will.
It always turned out better
from the lessons I had learned.
So even though he chose to leave,
my Angel always stays with me,
remaining with me down every road
I ever have or will trod,
reminding me that I belong to God.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Under A Silvery Moon

Please send her someone very soon
She waits, under a silvery moon
For that man sent from a star
One that knows who they both are
Patiently she keeps her watch
Silently keeps him in her thoughts.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

If You Couln't Fail

Photo Chaiwat
What would you do
If you knew you ‘d not fail?
Invent something new?
Write a new tale?
Say I love you
To someone at last?
Embrace the future
Get out of the past?
Stop working so hard
Take more time for play?
Go out on a limb
With something to say?
Go on and do it!
You may not succeed,
But not trying at all
Where can that lead?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eyes Without Disguise

If you would look long and deep in my eyes,
 you’d no longer need to wear your disguise.
Like magnets, whose poles, though apart,
we encircle and gravitate until joined heart to heart.
And more about eyes with no disguise…
I looked in your eyes and I realized
I’ve looked in your windows for thousands of years,
Rejoiced in our happiness and shared many tears.
Over and over I’ve sped through the stars,
each time I’ve found you, I’ve known who you are.
I’ve had you and lost you and found you again,
wandered through lifetimes – worlds without end.
I’ve crossed oceans uncharted, planets unexplored
always to find those eyes I adore.
And though it’s been done time after time,
I’ve loved every moment I’ve called you mine

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Too Soon

Too soon came the dawn
Too soon you were gone
Too long I was drawn
Into you
The canvas, too clean
No red and no green
Just blue all around the edges
The black and the white
The day and the night
Are now faded to gray
And all falling away
From the pages
Where I know what it’s like
To merge into white
With the colors all blended together
Seems there is no escape
It must have been fate
Just wanting a change
Doesn’t bring it